maandag 11 april 2011

Lieve lezers, er staat een vervolg bij mijn vorig verslagje hoor.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. When molehills become mountains
    You think you cannot climb,
    Remember Everest was conquered
    One step at a time.
    If you keep your sense of humour,
    You can endure the pain,
    And when you reach the summit,
    Your losses will be gains.
    You can linger at the bottom
    With multitudes of men,
    But you may stay there forever
    And wonder what night have been.
    Life always offers choices
    When troubles come our way,
    And molehills become mountains
    That will not pass away.
    Each time our faith is tested
    By mountains we must climb,
    Our mountains become molehills
    One step at a time.
